Seriously Snooty!Fueled by May and Patrick's critique from last week along with the initial shock of being filmed for two days solid. I was rather giddy for episode 2- Pattern week, and thirsty for more! ![]() I was really pleased with my 'cloth'. SO Glad that Chinelo didn't go with the same fabric in the end. I aslo got to 'peek-a-boo' with Patrick and Claudia, exposing my 'Pattern Matching Perfection'. I have no idea where I had pulled that out the bag as I hadn't done this before, but could feel the adrenaline rushing through me as I started to beleive, I can do this! A big improvement to how I felt on the night gown challenge in episode 1. After spending so much time pattern matching to please Patrick and May , I was now running out of time. In the rush, I matched my waist band to the back of the skirt rather than the front. A mistake that Tamara also made but noticed to correct in time. Had I let myself down again? Scoring seventh position was a blow. Just when I thought I was getting back on track and mentally placing myself at sixth, I was knocked down by David's skirt that didn't fit the mannequin however he owned the title of 'pattern matching perfection' with those perfect squares of blue and white. It was great to see a bit of the back stories this week, hearing my husband Kirk's view on my sewing skills. You also got to see Kirk, the boys and I performing in our band, Snooty Bob's. Please feel free to check out our facebook page or listen to our tracks on itunes or spotify. It was great to see the families of my fellow contestants in their environments rather than just in a studio, I wanted to see more but it was on to challenge two - Alterations using two shirts. ![]() With only a few moments to think and having been burnt before for being too bold with my silk challenge. I knew what I was going to do. I'm going to make a skirt. Play it a little safe and make something that I have done before and do it WELL! Cutting up shirts was something that I am acustomed to! 'Nothing is safe' as Kirk appealed on the back story! I have cut up at least eight of Kirk's shirt over the short time that I had been sewing before the Bee. Sorry Kirk, but at least im 'upcycling' them and they look so much better now! :) Therefore, I knew i needed to get my skates on 'Run'! I needed good lines to deliever my vision. Harlequin is my brief and I dont know whats on the rail yet! 'Vile' is exactly what i was faced with! but I managed to get two shirts that I was happy with, to the cutting table I go. Cerina was right when she said 'Guerilla' sewing. It was manic. With one hour remaining I was reserved to just getting a skirt and hopefully for a hem. With the time ticking down, the fire in my belly couldn't be contained any more. PUSH FOR A POCKET! Fight or Flight? I'm punching for a pocket. I manage to get my skirt on the mannequin and finish buttoning my last button when Claudia called TIME! 'OH MY LIFE you were pushing it then Taylor! Ranking fifth position, I was mid table and not very safe but I was proud that I didn't settle for safe but pushed myself to the limit. I was ready for a pint and my bed. ![]() For challenge three I was going to need some inspiration! Six hours for a pair of PJ's. Are they crazy! There was only one person who came to mind. My Dad! If I was going to make a pair of Pyjama's for my Dad, Roy. What would they look like? A huge fan of Monty Python, I knew that a classic stripe wouldn't define it! Dad even got on board sending me comedy sketches to help. I decided on Moustache's and Top Hat's for my fabric. Dad used to wear a top hat in his late teen's with his long wild hair, so combined with a 'snooty' moustache these pyjama's were a reflection of me and my family. I hoped this was the secret weapon to my sewing box, especially when I found out that both David and Lynda were using the same pattern as me! ![]() I knew that I wanted to make a classic pyjama therefore it needed to have piping. It's a must! 'You've gotta have a bit of piping on a bit of PJ!' There was my deep end plunge, again. Piping on the collar, cuff's, hem and pocket. I'd gone piping mad with no prior experience. I was going to need to take my time. Time that we all didn't have. One hour left and I hadn't started my trousers. It was only when watching it on Tuesday that I couldn't beleive I was even capable of doing that! At the end of what seemed a blink of an eye, rather than six hours. Its was time for judging and I was first up! Gasping for breath I awaited May and Patrick's critique. Crossing my fingers that their comments were nothing like last week's Silk Challenge, and more along the lines of, you are good enough to stay in this competition. May delievered a short but sweet 'Beautiful piping'. 'A little on the large side' from Patrick, but overall a 'very good pair of pyjama's.' Relief! Beautiful and Very Good - i'll take that! Now I just needed to wait to see how my competitor's got on. One by one the eight other pyjama's catwalked in front of me. Being at the front, I had a un-interupted view of the other contestants hard work. and was able to see exactly what May and Patrick are picking apart or rewarding. It was scary. After a long break while the judge's come to their decision, the competition became very real. I felt like I was really getting to know these guys. I didn't want to leave, I have so much more to learn from each and everyone of them. At the same time, if I get to stay I didn't want to see any of them go either. It was strange, the atmosphere had changed between us. It was a slow walk back. Standing in the line, Simon's name was called. He seemed to know that this was his time, which made me very sad. He is a brilliant sewer! So glad we keep in touch through twitter and I get to see what he is up to! With Simon out, I'm still in the competition and with my family behind me - I can do anything! So for this episode I want to dedicate it to my dad and my husband. Thanks for keeping me 'Snooty'! Love you loads. Now your turn - What inspires you to sew or pick out fabric?
28/2/2021 05:44:23 pm
Tailor and all potent righties fit for the approval of the goals for humans. The sizable crowd of the is ensued for the things. Element is fit for the hope for the tools. Path is fit for the terms for the cycled ambit for the turns for humans.
14/9/2021 05:38:10 am
Looks like a good pattern to follow. I got throughout the episode-2 that gave me best experience of sewing. I am trying to do it myself to create a good sewing learning ability inside me.
24/12/2021 10:55:44 am
Tailor and all powerful righties appropriate for the approval of human aims For the things, a huge audience gathered. Element is appropriate for the tools' hope. Path is appropriate for the terminology for the cycling ambit for human turns.
29/8/2022 05:16:03 pm
This episode was so much fun to watch! I loved seeing all of the different sewing techniques that the contestants had to use. It was also great to see how everyone worked together to create some amazing garments. I can't wait to see what next week's episode has in store!
16/5/2024 09:51:25 am
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