![]() Its been two years since we (Kirk and I) have been on a holiday abroad for a sun break which was our honeymoon to Morocco in 2012. With all the excitement and hard work of The Great British Sewing Bee all over, working full time throughout the period as well as starting up my #sewingrevolution workshops and gigging with SnootyBobs, which has been taking up pretty much each weekend, we were both in need of a break and some quality time together. For our honeymoon, we originally wanted to go to New Orleans. Friend and family gifted dollar's as presents so we could go. However with Hurricane Isaac hitting the area hard in August 2012, our blues and food dream was not to be. With the dollar's burning a hole in our top draw and money being too tight to mention, we cashed in our dollar's and booked a last minute deal to Fuertaventura. At 26 degrees every day and an all inclusive break, it was exactly what we needed. RELAXATION. ![]() It was a little scary going on holiday and leaving Tailor Taylor behind. Promising to keep my phone off (not that I had any reception anyway- sorry Kirk I did try to have a peak once), this holiday was for relaxing and replenishing only. Knowing that I cannot keep still for five minutes, I decided to take the book 'In Cold Blood' by Truman Capote and try to take up crochet. Armed with a little beginners guide and a brief five minute demo by a friend, I attempted to crochet. I was rubbish! Just couldn't get to grips with the instructions. I could start a chain and singles but couldn't fathom the half, treble and double treble. I gave up and started to make it up. I created what can only describe as a fisherman's net. Using three as the magic number, I made a couple of square nets. I have no idea what they are going to be but I gave it ago. If at first you don't succeed and all that .... as they say. We bring the S.T.A.R's out.Upon my return to the midlands at 02:00, it was straight back to work at 09:00 on the same day. On my previous blog, I had mentioned that I was involved in a project called S.T.A.R's. Saturday the 3rd of May was the competition date and I along with two others, Melody Harris and Mark Anthony were to judge three categories. Voice, Dance and Fashion! It was so much fun, It was like 'Britain's Got Talent' but without the big red button. Walsall has some serious talent! These kids were just amazing. We were completely blown away. Each person presented their track, performance and collection to a filled auditorium and in front of the three scary judges. We each provided critical feed back to each individual and also had to fill out a scoring sheet. There were live camera's projecting the performance and our reactions on a big screen. It must have been so daunting for them. Me, I'm strangely used to it now, seeing myself from angles you don't normally see. Remembering the first episode airing on BBC2, it wasn't comfortable to watch. First up was the voice category. We had singer/song writers, guitarist, covers. Classic and current music. There were some real stand out performances, I just wanted to get up on stage and sing with them, they were so good. We had two dance performances, one street and one contemporary improvised. This brought back memories of High school, Northern Contemporary School of Dance of which I attended for a year before completing my BA Hons Degree in Dance and Visual Arts at Brighton Uni. How I miss throwing myself around a dance studio #feelingold. The last category was Fashion, we had three collections to assess. Each had been given a brief to create a fashion collection by up-cycling and customizing old clothes to create a modern and edgy line. Boy did they do that, I needed to get some tips off them. After four hours of performance and catwalks, it was our time to get down to some serious work. It was decision making time! One winner from each category. After a few difficult conversations we had decided on the winner of the fashion and dance. The tough one being Voice, we just couldn't decide on shortlisted three of the acts. We needed a TIE BREAKER! We invited the three acts back on stage to provide them with a few words of encouragement before they gave us their final performance. The hairs on the back of my head stood on end, they really gave it their all! With a little audience participation, we made our decision. All the participants were awarded S.T.A.R medals and the winner's received a prestigious S.T.A.R. award and a monetary gift. It was a fantastic and very inspiring day. I believe they are already planning next years event so I do hope I can be involved again next year! #MeMadeMay2014 Challenge.![]() Upon my return from holiday and catching up on all the Social Media feeds. I came across #MMMAY2014 and straightaway thought what a great idea! What better way to show I'm committed to the #sewingrevolution than vow to wear my Me-Made clothes in May, my birthday month. So here it is! My eleven days so far, posted every day on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Not one to shy away from a challenge, I'm quite enjoying this one. Checking my wardrobe I'm not sure I have enough Me-Made items to get through the whole month, so this is a perfect excuse to make more!!! Don't forget you can take part to! I'm still checking up on your#sewingrevoultion / Me-Made makes so please keep posting! Sorry that this is quite a long post this week but needed to catch up on two weeks worth of shenanigans! Hope to see you here next week and have a fab Sewing Sunday.
17/5/2014 03:34:35 pm
So glad that I found your blog! This challenge sounds awesome but I can't make it... Next year perhaps ^_^
jenniffer taylor
17/5/2014 04:02:35 pm
Oh thank u for reading and commenting ! Xx
Claire McCloskey
27/5/2014 12:24:03 pm
I looove the horse fabric in your shirt dress, I might need to make that for myself!! Please share the deets!
jenniffer taylor
27/5/2014 12:27:17 pm
Thank u Claire ill see what I can do!!! Xx
So glad you have got to get a break - I know how that can be! If you ever get the chance to finally go to New Orleans, you really should. I'm not a huge 'America' fan, having lived there but we did go to New Orleans for a few days during our time, and that was one of the best bits. Proper brick buildings and history! ;) It's definitely an interesting place to visit - definitely bits you should avoid, like a lot of cities but the music and food and atmosphere is definitely something to experience if you can!
10/10/2015 06:18:08 am
I decided to take the book 'In Cold Blood' by Truman Capote and try to take up crochet. Armed with a little beginners guide and a brief five minute demo by a friend,
24/6/2019 06:55:13 am
That's how a life should be lived, actually! You should always find time to have fun with your loved ones on a vacation. Yes, you need to think that going there swill be a huge help for you. By the way, who are the winners of STAR Awards? You haven't mentioned it here yet and we are already waiting for your update. Hopefully, all deserving contestants were able to bag what they came here for. Whatever it is, they already know it!
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